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Erschienen bei Ylva Verlag

Jae: Auf schmalem Grat

Jae: Auf schmalem Grat

D 2015, 349 S., Broschur, € 15.32
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag - Portland Police Bureau Series 1
Aiden Carlisle ist Detective mit Leib und Seele. Ihr Beruf lässt ihr keine Zeit für private Bindungen, doch als sie gegen ihren Willen auf ein Fortbildungsseminar geschickt wird, bringt die Kursleiterin ihre Prinzipien ins Wanken. Psychologin Dawn Kinsley hat nach einer gescheiterten Beziehung beschlossen, sich nie wieder mit einer Polizistin einzulassen, aber zu Aiden fühlt sie sich von Anfang an ... Weiterlesen

Jae: Good Enough to Eat

Jae: Good Enough to Eat

D 2015, 223 pp., brochure, € 13.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag - The Vampire Diet Series 1
Robin's New Year's resolution to change her eating habits is as unusual as she is. Unlike millions of other women, she isn't tempted by chocolate or junk food. She's a vampire, determined to fight her craving for a pint of O negative. When she goes to an AA meeting, hoping for advice on fighting her addiction, she meets Alana, a ... Weiterlesen

L. T. Smith: Beginnings

L. T. Smith: Beginnings

D 2015, 334 pp., brochure, € 14.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag
1974. The Osmonds, space hoppers and climbing trees, all grounded in the ultimate belief that life was perfect. Childhood filled with tomorrows and a friendship built to endure anything. Or was it? Lou Turner loves Ashley Richards. Always has and always will. This is Lou's story: a story spanning thirty years, from the innocence of youth to the bitterness of ... Weiterlesen

RJ Nolan: Two Hearts-One Mind

RJ Nolan: Two Hearts-One Mind

D 2014, ca. 7.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
After a friend sets her up on a blind date from hell, Amanda has enough of dating. A spur-of-the-moment decision to attend an Anti-Valentine's Day party leads to an unexpected encounter. She wakes up to a hangover and a surprising complication ...

Jae: The Midnight Couch

Jae: The Midnight Couch

D 2014, ca. 9.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
At 30, Paula, a technician at a radio station, feels a bit ridiculous for having a big crush on Dr. Christine Graham, host of the late-night radio show The Midnight Couch. Every night when midnight approaches, she vows that this will be the day when she asks Christine on a date?only to chicken out every time. But when Christine hosts ... Weiterlesen

Catherine Lane: The Gift

Catherine Lane: The Gift

D 2014, ca. 7.00 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
On Christmas morning, Paige finds a mysterious gift for her wife under the tree. The card says it's from Paige, but she has no recollection of buying it. Even more curious?strange noises are coming from other rooms in the house. Opening this gift changes everything in this lesbian romance.

Jae: Pigeon Post

Jae: Pigeon Post

D 2014, ca. 13.00 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Kelsey, a submissive wolf-shifter, has always done what she has been ordered to do. But when Madsen, the Wrasa's highest alpha, sends her a letter via pigeon post, containing very unusual orders, she's not sure she can obey. Madsen and the newly hired Wrasa PR firm think it's a good idea to celebrate the anniversary of their not-so-voluntary coming out ... Weiterlesen

Cheri Crystal: Mama Knows

Cheri Crystal: Mama Knows

D 2014, ca. 9.00 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
At thirty-five, Rue is settled in her life. She lives at home so she can look after her aging mother, works as a farmhand, and scores with more ladies than the cowboys she hangs with. Why would she search for a place of her own, a permanent job, or a long-term relationship when she already has everything she needs? But ... Weiterlesen

Jae: Lessons in Love and Life

Jae: Lessons in Love and Life

D 2014, ca. 11.00 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Amy Hamilton finally has everything she ever wanted when Rika, the woman she loves, moves to the ranch. But years of having to hide her feelings leave her insecure, and her fears get the better of her. Convinced that Rika is growing bored with ranch life, Amy comes up with a daring plan. With her "father" as inspiration, Amy decides ... Weiterlesen

L.T. Smith: Forget Me Not

L.T. Smith: Forget Me Not

D 2014, ca. 15.00 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 1.49
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Ylva Verlag
Already emotionally drained by coping with her mother's Alzheimer's, Cathy Turner feels as if the death of her older brother is the last straw. She walls off her emotions, and mechanically copes with the demands on her time, day by day. Until forces beyond her control and beyond her understanding, break through her self-imposed isolation. Is she losing her mind, ... Weiterlesen

Lois Cloarec Hart: Beyond and Begone

Lois Cloarec Hart: Beyond and Begone

D 2014, ca. 15.00 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
Keine Versandkosten für E-Books
Ylva Verlag
Erin has retreated from the world after the loss of her wife, Gwen, in a hit-and-run accident. Her best friend, Mariel, who is also her late wife's sister, is the only person she's interacted with for years. Finally, Erin dips her toes back into the dating pool, only to find that very odd things begin to happen. Mariel's medium, Zahra, ... Weiterlesen

Lois Cloarec Hart: Above the Tree Line

Lois Cloarec Hart: Above the Tree Line

D 2014, ca. 10.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Liv and Kai, old friends and ex-lovers who own a gift shop together, decide to play hooky on a gorgeous fall day and go for a hike up a nearby mountain. Their day off ends with physical and emotional consequences neither could've foreseen when the mountain they love turns deadly. Can they find their way home together? Or will it ... Weiterlesen

Alisha Kelley, Erzabet Bishop, Fletcher DeLancey u: Spread the Love

Alisha Kelley, Erzabet Bishop, Fletcher DeLancey u: Spread the Love

Seven romantic and erotic lesbian stories. D 2014, ca. 41.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 2.99
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Ylva Verlag
Seven romantic and erotic lesbian stories: "Learning to Ride" by Fletcher DeLancey - "Spider Lines" by Lois Cloarec Hart - "Black and Blue" by Erzabet Bishop - "Soft Hands and Hard Hats" by JL Merrow - "Touch of the Traakyn" by Sandra Barret - "Red Hot Neighbour" by T.M. Croke - "Smoke and Swans" by Alisha Kelley

Jae: Verführung für Anfängerinnen

Jae: Verführung für Anfängerinnen

D 2014, ca. 10.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Für Annie war ihre Arbeit immer wichtiger als ihr Liebesleben. Das ändert sich, als sie sich zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben verliebt - in eine Frau. Nun ist Annie wild entschlossen, ihre Freundin Drew am Valentinstag zu verführen. Leider hat sie von der Kunst der Verführung nicht die geringste Ahnung. - "Verführung für Anfängerinnen" ist eine kurze Fortsetzung des ... Weiterlesen

Jae: Sonderfahrt an Heiligabend

Jae: Sonderfahrt an Heiligabend

D 2014, ca. 4.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.00
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Ylva Verlag
Von wegen Weihnachten, Fest der Freude und Besinnlichkeit. Für Fußballtrainerin Meghan ist dieser Heiligabend eine einzige Katastrophe. Statt gemütlich zu Hause zu feiern, sitzt sie in einem Bus fest, unterwegs zu einem Ort, den sie eigentlich meiden wollte. Aber dann ändert sich alles, als sich die Türen des Busses öffnen und eine attraktive Frau in hautenger Radhose einsteigt ...

Joan Arling: Reich, schön und ein bisschen rebellisch

Joan Arling: Reich, schön und ein bisschen rebellisch

D 2014, ca. 15.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Es war einmal eine reiche Maid, die von ihrem Vater aus dem Haus gejagt wurde, weil sie sich partout nicht für Ritter auf weißen Pferden interessierte. Stattdessen wollte sie ihr Leben lieber mit einer Frau verbringen - genauer gesagt mit Dawn, einer Supermarktkassiererin. "Reich, schön und ein bisschen rebellisch" ist eine Geschichte ohne Helden und Ungeheuer, aber mit zwei jungen ... Weiterlesen

Jae: Pasta Amore. Ein Rezept zum Verlieben

Jae: Pasta Amore. Ein Rezept zum Verlieben

D 2014, ca. 4.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Lucia Sorrentino stammt aus einer Familie voller Köche, aber jedes Mal, wenn sie versucht, etwas zu kochen, endet es damit, dass ihre Küche sich in ein Schlachtfeld verwandelt. Leider hat sie auch kein glückliches Händchen, was ihr Liebesleben angeht. Kann ihre beste Freundin Remy ihr helfen, eine Frau mit ihren kulinarischen Fähigkeiten zu betören?

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Wicked Things

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Wicked Things

D 2014, 314 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag
Fourteen authors of lesbian fiction contributed otherworldly, thrilling and supernatural short stories that will keep you glued to your seat:
Andi Marquette, Bridget Essex, Catherine Lane, Cori Kane, Elaine Burnes, Erzabet Bishop, Eve Francis, Lois Cloarec Hart, May Dawney, Orhea the dreamer, Q. Kelly, R.G. Emanuelle, S. M. Harding, Steph Gottschalk

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